2021 TO 2024 Paul Duke STEM High School
Addie, Claire, Elisa, Emma, Kylie, Molly, and Sophie make up the Paul Duke team this school year. Addie, Elisa, and Emma attend Paul Duke STEM High School. Claire, Kylie, Molly, and Sophie are at Norcross High School.
2018 to 2021 Pinckneyville Middle School
The team picked up two new members, Elisa and Molly, for the middle school division. Addie, Claire, Elisa, Emma, Kylie, Molly, and Sophie made up the Pinckneyville team for three years. Sophie was still a student at Simpson Elementary School for two of those years, while the rest made their way through Pinckneyville Middle School. For the 2021 school year, they were all at the same school.
2018 Simpson Elementary School
Addie, Briggs, Claire, Ellie, Emma, Kylie, and Sophie were on the Simpson team, and they were all students there. The team had competed in some previous years, honing their skills and technique, until finally making this dramatic breakthrough to 1st place at World Finals!
Coach Lisa Dommert
Lisa Dommert has coached the team since the school year ending in 2018, after co-coaching the prior year. She was an Odyssey parent for a few years before jumping into coaching.